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Inquiry-based Learning and Digital Literacy

Inquiry-based Learning “Inquiry-based learning is an approach to teaching and learning that places students’ questions, ideas and observations at the center of the learning experience” (Boiko & Nastas, 2017). Instilling curiosity or the eagerness to learn is the bedrock of inquiry-based learning. In an inquiry classroom, students are the ones who do the ‘heavy lifting’…

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How can we develop reading fluency using digital tools?

Reading fluency is one of the building blocks in developing successful readers. It is the link, or the bridge, between decoding and comprehension (Reading Rockets, n.d., Rasinski, 2019, 41:39). Rasinski (2014) defines reading fluency as having two main components:  automaticity in  word recognition and expression in oral reading, which is also known as prosody. As…