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Inquiry-based Learning and Digital Literacy

Inquiry-based Learning “Inquiry-based learning is an approach to teaching and learning that places students’ questions, ideas and observations at the center of the learning experience” (Boiko & Nastas, 2017). Instilling curiosity or the eagerness to learn is the bedrock of inquiry-based learning. In an inquiry classroom, students are the ones who do the ‘heavy lifting’…

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How can we develop reading fluency using digital tools?

Reading fluency is one of the building blocks in developing successful readers. It is the link, or the bridge, between decoding and comprehension (Reading Rockets, n.d., Rasinski, 2019, 41:39). Rasinski (2014) defines reading fluency as having two main components:  automaticity in  word recognition and expression in oral reading, which is also known as prosody. As…

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What does digital citizenship look like in an international school setting?

An Ethics Audit Report I have the privilege of working in an international school in Southeast Asia. This school is located in one of the major capital cities in the region. Technology education is an integral part of the school’s academic program, from helping students understand how to be digital citizens in the elementary school,…

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Leveraging Technology for English Language Learners

English Language Learners (ELLs) are students whose native language is not English. Every year, teachers welcome many English language learners in their classrooms around the world. In the United States, ELLs represent the fastest growing group of students (Erben, 2009).  When working with ELLs, issues regarding access to curriculum and to resources are always in…

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Understanding Digital Wisdom, Digital Literacy and Digital Citizenship

How do we build a culture of honesty and authenticity in the digital world? How do we promote honesty among our digital citizens?  Driving up and down the freeway, I can’t help but notice the guardrails in place. What do guardrails do? By definition, a guardrail is a railing, or a barrier set in place…

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How can we help students develop digital accountability?

When I ponder how technology has transformed my way of living, I have to admit that it is far-fetched to imagine life devoid of technology. It has pervaded our entire society. Technology has transformed how I live – how I express my faith, how I communicate, how I interact with loved ones, how I raise…