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Flipped Learning in the Elementary Classroom

Community Engagement Project In the past eight weeks, work has been going into the development of a community engagement project in our EDTC 6104 class in the Digital Education Leadership program. The purpose of the community engagement project is to dig deeper into a relevant topic and share your learning with your professional learning network,…

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Moving Forward with Blended Learning

Blended learning, also known as hybrid learning, has become ubiquitous in schools, academic institutions and companies around the world. In the past two decades, blended learning has evolved into many forms, has taken different shapes and has been used in multiple settings. The recent global pandemic has forever changed the educational landscape for students, teachers,…

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Flipped Learning: Teacher-Centered to Student-Centered

ISTE Standard for Coaches 4:3b “Establish trusting and respectful coaching relationships that encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies.” The flipped learning approach has steadily grown in popularity, especially in the last two decades. There is increasing interest in the flipped classroom community which signifies that more and more educators have implemented some form of…

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Growth versus Fixed: Mindsets Matter

Think of yourself as a learner.  How did you get to where you are right now?  What belief system helped you get there?  Or what belief system adversely impacted your journey in getting where you want to be? In 2006, Carol Dweck, an American psychologist, author and professor at Stanford University, published a book called…

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“There’s a tool for that!”

As a teacher, the words optimal, effective, most suitable, best, efficient, maximum and greatest often catch my attention.  I have discovered early in my career that time is of the essence. Time is something that I always need, and most often, not have enough of. It is something I want to redeem and not waste….

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Promoting Student Agency Using Technology

In the year 2014-15, the US Department of Education reports that there were 4.8 million English language learners (ELLs) in the K-12 population across the country (https://www2.ed.gov/datastory/el-characteristics/index.html#intro). Students identified as English language learners can participate in language assistance programs that public schools offer to help these students achieve English proficiency and meet educational standards and…


What is the role of service learning in developing global collaborator skills?

Service Learning Service-learning is an approach to teaching that connects students to their communities (Fitzgerald, 1997) with the purpose of making a positive contribution. Vanderbilt University defines service learning as “a form of experiential education where learning occurs through a cycle of action and reflection as students seek to achieve real objectives for the community…


How can innovative design skills and computational thinking impact the writing of elementary students?

Change is inevitable in education. Every aspect of education is dynamic, subject to change to reflect the ever-shifting trends in curriculum, political climate, funding, organizational structures, teaching and learning, culture, demographics, and in the last several decades, technology.  Technological innovations have reconfigured our patterns of living, working and learning (Neumann, Dion & Snap, 2021). Consequently,…

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Our Well-being as Digital Citizens

Digital Well-being: Technology and our Daily Lives “Technology is, not so much as a necessary evil, it’s a necessary good that can go either way.” www.wellbeing.google   The Pew Research Center’s report called “The Future of Well-Being in a Tech-Saturated World” (Anderson & Rainie, 2018) presents interesting perspectives on how digital technology has impacted humanity and…

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What does digital citizenship look like in an international school setting?

An Ethics Audit Report I have the privilege of working in an international school in Southeast Asia. This school is located in one of the major capital cities in the region. Technology education is an integral part of the school’s academic program, from helping students understand how to be digital citizens in the elementary school,…