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Growth versus Fixed: Mindsets Matter

Think of yourself as a learner.  How did you get to where you are right now?  What belief system helped you get there?  Or what belief system adversely impacted your journey in getting where you want to be? In 2006, Carol Dweck, an American psychologist, author and professor at Stanford University, published a book called…

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Promoting Student Agency Using Technology

In the year 2014-15, the US Department of Education reports that there were 4.8 million English language learners (ELLs) in the K-12 population across the country (https://www2.ed.gov/datastory/el-characteristics/index.html#intro). Students identified as English language learners can participate in language assistance programs that public schools offer to help these students achieve English proficiency and meet educational standards and…


How can innovative design skills and computational thinking impact the writing of elementary students?

Change is inevitable in education. Every aspect of education is dynamic, subject to change to reflect the ever-shifting trends in curriculum, political climate, funding, organizational structures, teaching and learning, culture, demographics, and in the last several decades, technology.  Technological innovations have reconfigured our patterns of living, working and learning (Neumann, Dion & Snap, 2021). Consequently,…

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How can we develop reading fluency using digital tools?

Reading fluency is one of the building blocks in developing successful readers. It is the link, or the bridge, between decoding and comprehension (Reading Rockets, n.d., Rasinski, 2019, 41:39). Rasinski (2014) defines reading fluency as having two main components:  automaticity in  word recognition and expression in oral reading, which is also known as prosody. As…